Bad value “imagetoolbar” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.
No space between attributes.
A document must not include more than one “meta” element with its “name” attribute set to the value “description”.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=logo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=Inicio” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=Noticias” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Local” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Fotos y Videos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Política” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=EEUU” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Inmigración” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=México” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Mundo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Salud” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “” for attribute “srcset” on element “img”: Must contain one or more image candidate strings.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=El Tiempo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Radar Interactivo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=CazaTormentas™ ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Alertas de El Tiempo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=Entretenimiento” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Don Francisco Te Invita” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Novelas” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Acceso Total” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=Deportes” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Copa Mundial Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Calendario Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=FIFA en tu ciudad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Estadísticas de la Copa” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=El Mundial en fotos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Los jugadores” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Las jugadas” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=subsection hover&lid=Desde Rusia ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=ellipsis” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Responde” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Tráfico” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Conéctate” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Comunidad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Horóscopo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=ellipsis hover&lid=Lotería” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Watch Live TV&lid=Watch Live TV” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Watch Live TV&lid=El señor de los cielos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Watch Live TV&lid=NBC on Demand” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Watch Live TV&lid=Click for full schedule” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=section navigation&lid=weather bug” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Duplicate attribute “target”.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Twitter” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Instagram” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Facebook” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Mobile” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Newsletters” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=UGC” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Submit Tips” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=conoce-al-equipo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=consumer-form” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Nuestras estaciones” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Promociones” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Programación” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Envía tus comentarios” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Términos de servicio” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Política de privacidad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Navigation - Connect&lid=Duopoly” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Bad value “&lpos=Fotos y Videos&lid=Fotos y Videos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Noticias Locales” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Nuevas regulaciones para la venta de marihuana en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Copa Mundial ¿Cómo vas a festejar? Envía tus fotos aquí” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Incendio consume 82,700 acres al norte de la Bahía” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Richmond: oran para que Gobierno ponga fin a la separación de familias” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=¿Qué hacer el 4 de julio en el Área de la Bahía?” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Noticias Locales&lid=Go to Noticias Locales” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Noticias Locales&lid=Go to Noticias Locales arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Cristiano ya le está dando a ganar a la Juventus” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Brasil, ante su más dura prueba para seguir por el hexacampeonato” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=¡No más teatro! El “infierno” que le espera a Neymar y Brasil en Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Yerry Mina, la locura de Colombia en Rusia” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Calendario de Partidos de la Copa Mundial ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Noticias Locales&lid=Go to Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Noticias Locales&lid=Go to Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018 arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Mujer sube a la Estatua de la Libertad: esto es lo que ella pedía” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Detienen a mujer que escaló Estatua de la Libertad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Cientos se hacen ciudadanos el Día de la Independencia” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Juez frena detenciones de inmigrantes que piden asilo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Niño Jesús enjaulado: protestan por políticas migratorias” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Inmigración&lid=Go to Inmigración” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Inmigración&lid=Go to Inmigración arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Más denuncias de presuntos abusos contra Kevin Spacey” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=J Balvin y Bad Bunny llegan al número 1 en EEUU con Cardi B” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=David Bisbal y Rosanna Zanetti se casan en boda “discreta”” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Las 10 canciones latinas más populares de la semana” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Weinstein enfrenta nuevo cargo y posible cadena perpetua” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Entretenimiento&lid=Go to Entretenimiento” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Entretenimiento&lid=Go to Entretenimiento arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Entretenimiento&lid=Go to Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Entretenimiento&lid=Go to Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018 arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Política, la Casa Blanca y el Congreso” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Funcionario: Trump planteó una invasión a Venezuela” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Trump anunciaría el lunes nuevo juez del Supremo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Casa Blanca: banderas a media asta tras matanza” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Trump entrevista a posibles candidatos a la Corte Suprema” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Exabogado de Trump: “mi silencio se ha quebrado”” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Política, la Casa Blanca y el Congreso&lid=Go to Política, la Casa Blanca y el Congreso” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Política, la Casa Blanca y el Congreso&lid=Go to Política, la Casa Blanca y el Congreso arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Marihuana en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Tours de Marihuana: la nueva atracción turística” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Riegos por intoxicación con marihuana comestible” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Negocio de marihuana en auge en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Conducir bajo la influencia de marihuana también es un crimen” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Amenaza federal a la marihuana en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Marihuana en California&lid=Go to Marihuana en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Marihuana en California&lid=Go to Marihuana en California arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Acceso Total” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Lindo México en La Habra” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Consejos para disfrutar del Mundial” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=El nuevo reto de Ana de la Reguera” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Chiquibaby celebrando el inicio del Mundial” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Comienza tu día bella y feliz con ahorros de hasta 90 por ciento” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Acceso Total&lid=Go to Acceso Total” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Acceso Total&lid=Go to Acceso Total arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Telemundo Responde” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Nuevos métodos de estafa” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Aerolínea no le respondía tras emergencia” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=¿Tienes una queja para que investiguemos?” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Envenenamientos en el hogar” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Deudas médicas: ¿cómo ayudar a solventarlas? ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Telemundo Responde&lid=Go to Telemundo Responde” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Telemundo Responde&lid=Go to Telemundo Responde arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Estudio: beber café puede llevarte a tener una vida más larga” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=1 de cada 7 personas no sabe que tienen VIH” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Prevenir es vivir bien” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Kellogg's retira cereal por posible brote de Salmonela” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Estudio: aumenta la tasa de suicidios en EEUU” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Salud&lid=Go to Salud” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Salud&lid=Go to Salud arrow” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Named character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. (Or “&” should have been escaped as “&”.)
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Watched&lid=Trabajadores hispanos demandan a reconocido restaurante en San Francisco” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Watched&lid=Suspenderán el sistema de las tarjetas de EBT ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Watched&lid=Residentes decidirán si California se dividirá en 3 Estados” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Watched&lid=Mujer se defiende y evita ser atacada por su vecino en Gilroy ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Watched&lid=Hallan a mexicano "desaparecido" en Rusia ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Read&lid=Trabajadores hispanos demandan a reconocido restaurante en San Francisco” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Read&lid=Asesino invisible: día en bote termina con todos muertos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Read&lid=¿Qué hacer el 4 de julio en el Área de la Bahía?” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Read&lid=Sale despedida de camioneta y la recogen como si nada” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Most Popular Most Read&lid=CELEBRA EL 4 DE JULIO- FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES GRATIS ” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Newsletter Sign Up&lid=Boletín de Noticias” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “subscribe&lpos=Newsletter Sign Up&lid=Política de privacidad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Newsletter Sign Up&lid=Más boletines” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=México” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=$7,660 millones, inversión para jóvenes y ancianos” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Fabio se debilita a huracán categoría 1” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Futura ministra plantea despenalizar la marihuana” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Ayotzinapa: Tribunal suspende Comisión de la Verdad” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=El minuto a minuto de la jornada electoral” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Infierno en California” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Cableado eléctrico causó incendios al norte de la Bahía” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Impresionantes imágenes de evacuaciones durante incendios en Santa Rosa” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Familias hispanas luchan por recuperarse tras incendios” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Familias se recuperan a 6 meses de incendios en la Bahía” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Element “form” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “p” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Perspectivas” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Beca de verano en Standford para alumnos indígenas” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Enfrentando el autismo” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Tratamiento para prevenir el VIH” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Bad value “&lpos=Story List with Lead Image&lid=Aplicación que salva vidas” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.
Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.
The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. Use the “type” attribute instead.
End tag for “body” seen, but there were unclosed elements.
Unclosed element “div”.
The “itemprop” attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.
The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.